To create the fantastical, you have to start with what exists in the real world. You have study the closest thing there is in order ensure that the visuals are grounded in some semblance of reality in order to make them believable. This is essentially how we approach Visual FX and animation. Our intent is not to saturate every frame with unnecessary eye candy, but to use these tools to push a narrative forward in order to take a story to the next level.
Having the right toolset for that kind of job is only half the battle. You need artists who have an eye for cinematography and who know the intricate details that make a shot or a sequence great. Innovative Renderworx has over two decades of experience in rotoscoping, compositing and 3D animation. But our expertise isn’t limited to the tools and techniques we use. We bring that crucial eye for detail that serves as the vital component for success.
As with everything else, story comes first. Every frame and every sequence must serve the story in order for any FX sequence or animated segment to accomplish what it was designed to do. George Lucas put it this way: “A special effect is just a tool. A means of telling a story. A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing.” Essentially, our desire isn’t to rely on visual effects to carry a story but for them to serve the narrative and aid in the delivery of a profound message.
Innovative Renderworx has worked on feature films such as Heaven’s War and Trenches of Rock. We’ve also worked on sizzle reels for The Last Dragon as well as on a number of projects for television and for streaming services. Our first virtual production will serve as a proof of concept for the feature film, Templar: The Last Remnant.